Everyone dreams of long, strong and shiny hair but not everyone is able to fulfill it. We try lots of stuff like different type of shampoos, conditioners, oil to keep our scalp healthy but we always forget to pay attention to our diet. You can have smooth, silky, dry or frizzy,  hair - all these are signs of your inside health. Each strand of our hair is made up of cells that contain a tough protein called keratin and they need to be constantly nourished with minerals and vitamins to make hair long and strong. Nutrition plays an important role in hair growth and good nutrition radiates on our hair and skin. The nutrients which we eat help to fortify the hair follicles and the scalp.

To care for your hair inside out, I have put together a list of the Nutritious vegan/vegetarian diets, containing all essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins that are known to improve hair health.

1. AVOCADO (Food For Shiny Hair)

Avocado is a great source of Vitamin E. Vitamin E improves the blood circulation and helps the follicles work more efficiently to promote the growth of hair. It also maintains the oil and PH levels balance which if exceeds can clog the hair follicles and stop hair growth. Avocados are also high in monounsaturated fats that help to moisturize the scalp and hair follicles and keeps the hair naturally conditioned and shiny. These buttery fruits are also rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin B5. Vitamin B5 helps prevent graying. They can also be used directly on hair or you can add it to your breakfast salad or blend it into a green smoothie. You don’t call it food for hair for no reason.

2. FLAX SEED (Food For Hair Growth)

Flax seeds not only contain a high amount of iron but are also rich in omega-3s. These nourish hair follicles which help to make hair strong and healthy. Omega-3 fatty acid also improves the elasticity of hair and makes it less prone to breakage. One tablespoon of whole flax seeds contains 2.3 mg of omega 3s while 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil offers 7.2 grams. flaxseeds can serve as a mid-meal healthy snack while also supplying the essential fats to your hair.

3. COCONUT OIL (Food For Healthy Hair)

When it comes to hair, you can never go wrong with anything extracted from Coconuts.coconut oil reduces inflammation and aids circulation. It is one of the foods that work well internally and topically. You can use it directly on hair to condition, repair, rehydrate, and strengthen hair.

4. WHOLE GRAIN (Food For Hair Growth)

Whole grains are rich in biotin along with iron, zinc and B vitamins. Grains like whole brown rice and oats or the grain-like quinoa are a good source of some healthy protein and carbohydrates. Protein is mainly what hair is made of and carbohydrates fuel all the many functions of the body, including hair growth. It is a great of Biotin too. Biotin is required for cell proliferation and plays an important part in producing amino acids (protein) which are required for your hair to grow

5. OATS (Food For Hair Growth)

Oats are extremely beneficial to maintain the natural color of the hair. Oats aid in creating melanin and can also prevent hair loss. It contains minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron which boost hair growth. It also helps in treating dandruff problems. The properties of oats that help treat dandruff also help prevent hair loss. Ground oats can work as an excellent shampoo for blond beauties. You just have to rub some ground oats over your scalp and using a bristle brush, gently brush out the excess oats.

Extra Tips: Water is the best drink on the planet for hair, skin, and overall body health. According to some Pharmacist, here is a quick tip to ensure you are drinking enough water:
Weigh yourself and divide the number by 2.
The number is the amount of ounces of water you should drink daily.

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